
Scholarships & Grants

The Tina Lillig Memorial Fund

The mission of the Tina Lillig Memorial Fund is to support the growth and development of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd through catechist formation, missionary outreach, and the work of the United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGSUSA). To these ends, the Tina Lillig Memorial Fund offers a source of financial aid (in the form of partial scholarships) to applicants who would find paying the full tuition of a course to be a hardship.

a woman with grey hair and a white sweater.

The Tina Lillig Memorial Fund is a source of grants for missionary outreach to organizations working to open atria in underserved regions of the United States.

The Tina Lillig Memorial Fund also supports the purpose, mission and vision of the National Association through direct support to the Association and its Endowment fund.

Monies for financial aid and grant awards come from direct donations to the Tina Lillig Memorial Fund from members of the United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGSUSA) and others who are interested in supporting this aspect of the work.

All applicants for financial aid or grants from the Fund must be a member of the United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and must have an accompanying recommendation. The United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd’s website, www.cgsusa.org, provides information on becoming a member. Membership status will be verified by the United States Association’s office before applications will be considered by the Fund’s Advisory Committee.  A recommendation must be received for any type of  application for support to be considered  by the Advisory Committee. 

Applications are considered by the Tina Lillig Memorial Fund Advisory Committee up to two times a year (as detailed below), or as funds are otherwise available for disbursement. Applications are considered in the order they are received. Incomplete applications cannot be considered for support. Applications from individuals who are not active members of CGSUSA and/or applications without an accompanying recommendation will be considered incomplete.  Applicants will be contacted when additional information is required to move forward with the determination process.

For financial aid applications by those attending courses that are “summer intensives” (course sessions meeting June, July or August), deadline for applications is April 30. Grant applications are also considered at this time. Determinations by the Fund Advisory Committee and disbursements of any awarded funds will be made by June 30. 

All other applications for financial aid or grants received by the deadline of October 30 will be considered for support as funds remain available for disbursement. Determinations by the Fund Advisory Committee and disbursements of any awarded funds will be made by December 30.

All applications received after the deadline automatically rollover to the next round of determinations.

Considerations for Financial Aid (Scholarship) Applicants:

  • Personal Investment: We expect the applicant to have a personal financial investment in their formation in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Carefully review your financial resources and determine what you can personally contribute to your formation.
  • Community Support: Applicants must have strong support from the community in which they will serve. It is expected that the community will make a financial investment in the formation of the catechist. Please include on your application the financial support you will receive from your faith community. In addition, you must supply one letter of recommendation from a person in your community who is or will be involved with your work.
  • Nationally Approved Course: The course you enroll in must be approved by the United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. These courses are listed on our website: www.cgsusa.org. The assigned course number for the course will be on this listing.

The maximum award is 1/3 of the amount of the total cost of the course tuition including all deposits but excluding room, board, travel expense, books and any material costs or less. Please be aware that it is not possible for the Fund to cover the entire tuition for a course.

Considerations for Grant Applicants:

Types of Grants:

  • Materials: this grant is to be used to defray the costs of materials needed to set up an atrium. It can include the cost of small power tools for the making of materials, the cost of larger materials that need to be purchased and finished by the catechist, or the purchase of other materials necessary for the physical set up of an atrium.
  • Formation Leader Stipend: this grant is to be used to underwrite a portion of a formation leader’s stipend for a course offered by an organization for its catechists (this grant stipulates that the formation leader agrees to offer the course at a reduced rate for the organization).
  • Total Tuition Support: this grant provides complete tuition for an individual applicant who because of unique circumstances cannot pay any portion of the tuition for a course. This includes members of religious orders that cannot contribute to the tuition costs of a course.

Grant applicants must have strong support from the community in which they serve. It is expected that the community will make a financial investment in the establishment of atria. The typical maximum grant award is generally $500 or less. It is our goal to provide support for the development and growth of atria that need assistance. It is not possible for the Fund to meet all needs completely.


If you would like to submit a recommendation at the request or on behalf of a scholarship or grant applicant, please complete the Recommendation Form found at the button below. Thank you in advance for your participation in this process.

Scholarship | Grant Application Form

Recommendation Form

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Welcome to CGSUSA

We believe God and the child have a unique relationship with one another. Children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship. The growth of this relationship is assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child.

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What is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd was born from the joy of the children’s encounter with God. It has been observed that children of the same developmental stage, even those from widely varying cultural backgrounds, respond to elements of the Christian message in the same way.

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Roman Catholic Tradition

Episcopal Tradition

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32 Points of Reflection
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Children with Disabilities
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In Catechesis of the Good Shepherd adults are given the opportunity to embrace a method of catechesis (or religious education) that will deepen one’s relationship with God. Catechist formation in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is both instructive as well as experiential. It captivates both the head as well as the heart.

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We read in the Gospel of Mark that Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs, two by two; the journey was not meant to be a solitary one. It is essential for us as catechists to support one another as we prepare materials, work in the atrium, and observe the child. We come together in unity, as members of CGSUSA, to share the joy of this work.

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Through their joy, their wonder and awe, their capacity for love and prayer, and their radical simplicity, children offer us adults a glimpse of what it means to fall in love with God. This has been the work of CGSUSA for over 30 years: to advocate for the child’s joy.

Leadership: Staff and Board of Trustees
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TLM Memorial Fund
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